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Athletics facility foundation and management

Happily enrich the lives of citizens...

Universiad Reports Center

The center was established with eamings of societal restoration and supports of the 2003 summer U Competition,
with an objective of providing areas for the liesure and fitness of citizens

Universiad Reports Center

Facilities Status

  • Location : Within building lot development areas of Dongsuhbyun Buk-gu
  • Stricture : 12,294㎡ building lot (15,858㎡ building floor area)
  • Main facilities
basketball courts, futsal stadium, steam car wash, fitness facility
screen golf course
health, school room, culture lecture room (6 room)
men sauna, Golf Exercise Facility (15 fats), a conference room
women sauna, Golf Exercise Facility (15 fats), a cafeteria,
an office room
A hall, Golf Exercise Facility (15 fats), early childhood physical
education classes (3 classes), an office room
- early childhood physical education classes (2 classes), prehistoric
  relics exhibition, center an office room
- Neighboring Semicomplex
- a parking place (88 place)
- swimming pool, laundry, member reception, early childhood physical
  education taekwon dosil
- an underground parking lot (139 place), Neighboring Semicomplex